Cocoa Puffs, okay, sorry. I didn't mean to misrepresent.
In regard to the labels that Ms. Priddy was describing, I wonder if we could get some feedback perhaps from you, Mr. Schaeffer, and maybe from the Heart and Stroke Foundation. If we were to put a colouring system over the top the actual labels, so it doesn't add any more room to the label but it does provide a visual indication, as well, within the label, that might be a compromise between the red light/green light suggestions that we've heard.
Finally, for Mr. Schaeffer, in regard to trade, how does it work? You respect the jurisdictional regulations, but if New York has a regulation and Buffalo has a regulation—and the way the United States is going, there are going to be hundreds of regulations—and then Toronto has a different set, how do you deal with that, as far as exports are concerned?
Those are my questions.