Yes. Trans fats is a hot topic in the U.K., but it's a very confused one, because, as I'm sure you're aware from the debate, there are artificially produced trans fats through partial hydrogenation of vegetable oil and there are also naturally occurring trans fats in milk and meat products—some meat products.
It's really about making sure that consumers understand the difference between them, but also the overall impact of trans fats, and not losing sight of the fact that total fat and saturated fat probably have a bigger impact on health overall—and the salt intake—than these particular elements. It's trying to keep the whole message in balance.
In the U.K., there has been no government position or guidance on this, nor any move to legislate or provide guidance. The industry has been watching what's been going on in the United States and Denmark, and the industry has said, if we don't have to put these in, why are we?
For example, I can say that Tesco has now removed all hydrogenated vegetable oil from its products. So we've taken out the artificially produced trans fats and we use alternatives in our food. Whilst our foods may not be trans fat free, because they still have dairy and meat products, they don't have any partially hydrogenated vegetable oil. Therefore, we are reducing the trans fat content of our food products, and a lot of manufacturers are doing the same.