That's your point of view, but it isn't shared. You've given me virtually the same answer as you gave me in the House of Commons. I don't see any new opening on your part with regard to the selection of the three new members.
Minister, there is also the matter of cosmetic products. You must have read in the newspapers that these products are disturbing. The obligation to list ingredients on cosmetic products does not appear to be enough to increase people's awareness. Even some children's soaps contain products that are harmful to them.
Will you go further than simply putting lists of ingredients on a Web site in order to make users aware of certain dangerous products that may even result in cancer? You moreover said in your address that you were very sensitive to this issue, that science had made progress and that you wanted to fight cancer.
In California, they're going further than that. They're putting warnings on products containing certain components that might have an impact on cancers. The impact could be long-term. That's a bit disappointing. Health Canada—I won't name the spokesperson—has somewhat trivialized the dangerousness of certain products frequently used by consumers. When children use certain products, their health is at stake.
Do you intend to examine this matter more quickly? Very dangerous components are found in certain products. Could you go so far as to permit labels to be affixed to products containing such components? The list of dangerous products is hard to decipher. People may not understand the harmful impact of certain products on cancer development.