Welcome, Minister, and our guests.
My question is regarding the HPV vaccine to fight cervical cancer. Only two provinces, I understand, have signed the agreement: P.E.I. and Nova Scotia. Other provinces appear to be reluctant. They're concerned that the funding is temporary. Four childhood vaccines that are going to be sunsetted, as well as many other areas that are being sunsetted within this estimates document, are of great concern, which I think needs to be addressed as does the general direction of the government.
Are you willing to take up the idea that health officials provincially have put forward, I believe, to stockpile the vaccines so they can access them? There's a lot of uncertainty regarding the commitment on the part of federal government to this very important area. Again, you have a cancer strategy, which has been referred to, and you are lapsing the areas of the other four childhood vaccines. What is really going on with the HPV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer?