Perhaps I could just make a very quick comment.
Canadians fund $700 million, $800 million, $900 million of research through CIHR. Very, very little of it goes to clinical trials, very little of it. Most of it is basic, although we're trying to move them forward. The vast majority of clinical trials are undertaken by pharmaceutical companies outside of the federally funded research activities. They're solely oriented to the marketplace.
To my knowledge, pharmaceutical companies are going to work on drugs that are going to be available and be demanded. A number of disease groups that I'm aware of don't have the advantage of the kind of research that would be available to them if we had a level playing field in research.
I would urge you to ask Dr. Bernstein to come and provide you with the advice of our research community as to what can be done--Dr. Bernstein is the head of the CIHR, an institute I'm used to--and Dr. RĂ©mi Quirion, who could also provide you with some excellent advice.