We'd like to call the meeting to order. It's pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), a study on prescription drugs, the common drug review. This is our seventh meeting, and we look forward to the presenters we have before us today. We also look forward to being able to quickly get to our report soon after we hear all of the testimony, which is coming up very quickly now.
With that, I want to introduce those we have with us.
From the Canadian Medical Association, we have John Haggie. It's good to have you here. I believe you have Briane Scharfstein with you.
It's good to have you here as well.
From St. Michael's hospital, we have Andreas Laupacis, who is on his way from the airport, I believe, so he'll be joining us very soon.
Then from Mood Disorders Society of Canada, we have Phil Upshall. It's good to have you here.
From Hit the slope for hope, we have Michelle Calvert and Sarah Calvert. It's good to have both of you here.
So with that, we will yield the floor to you in order.
From the Canadian Medical Association, John Haggie, you can start. The floor is yours. You have 10 minutes.