Thank you for that question.
As the committee is aware, nutrition labelling regulations did come into force for larger companies almost two years ago. They are due to come into force for small manufacturers--those are manufacturers, I believe, under $1 million a year--at the end of this year, in December of this year.
Many of the smaller companies have already assessed their products and have nutrition labelling, because they supply larger retailers or manufacturers. As a result, there are quite a large number of small manufacturers who have already worked to include nutrition labelling on their labels.
That being said, the approach we are using with this sector is similar to that of the large sector. In the beginning, our approach is more educational in nature. Following December, we will be looking to see which companies have not been in the position to include nutrition labelling on their labels and to work with them on how they could include this information on labels.
There are tools available to them. There are tools on our website, as well as on Health Canada's website, on building labels. We do include our inspector's tool kit. It's also available for industry.
We have an open invitation to meet with industry groups, should they wish to learn more about how to design nutrition labels or what kind of information is required to support the labels that are on products.