Good morning and thank you.
Your solutions are mainly patient-centred, and you have had quite a bit of success with this. I would like to put some questions to Dr. Cyril Frank.
Following the plan that you have implemented, you found some ways to solve urgent problems. Among other things, you said that you identify urgent cases sooner, and that in order to help patients after surgery, you have changed some practices and offer certain kinds of support. Besides, when the need arises, you often rely on other health care networks, for instance physiotherapists in order to strengthen the muscles before an operation. You also offer support to some patients who need help after surgery. Basically, you have taken measures to help patients recover more quickly.
You said that the costs had been cut by 10%. There are many phases of health care that come before and after surgery. With regard to home care, did you have to transfer funds to certain sectors or did you keep more or less the same budget for the hospitalization procedure?