On your first question, I would agree with you. We feel that 10% is a low estimate of the number of unnecessary examinations that are done, so we're certainly hoping there will be an even greater reduction in the number of diagnostic imaging studies when the guidelines are widely circulated.
The CAR itself has distributed electronic versions of these guidelines to all the medical schools, all provincial radiology societies, and I believe all provincial colleges of physicians and surgeons.
We've also, through the national specialty societies, distributed versions to all the specialty societies in Canada. We feel this is very important, because these guidelines will only work if we have the support of the specialty societies.
We've also provided them to the College of Family Physicians of Canada and have their support. We've distributed them at some meetings--a national internal medicine meeting, for instance.
We have made them available for sale, so various people have purchased them for distribution. I have to say, we're not sure where they have all gone, but those are the methods we've used to distribute them currently.
You were asking about the demonstration project. I'm assuming you're talking about the project in my hospital.