I see. Okay. I'm not sure if I buy the reason, but I understand the reason.
Secondly, in previous meetings...and I think, Dr. Sanders, you have noted this. Mr. Wright, I don't know if you have or not. The CDR does look at improvement in survival and the quality of life of Canadians. I want to go to the phrase “quality of life of Canadians”, which is on page 6 of Dr. Sanders' presentation. One of the things that some of us have asked for on a fairly continuous basis...and I gather we've asked ethicists if they have time to make a submission to us. I have remained very concerned that I don't understand the way CDR is able to look at the ethics, because as Mr. Wright states, we have drugs that may cost $1 million per year per person. Is that cost-effective? Well, no, probably not; however, that doesn't mean they shouldn't have it.
When you talk about how you consider quality of life, can you tell me a bit about how you do that? You don't have an ethicist involved in those decisions, do you?