There's a lot to say on the subject, but I'm going to address two specific points to begin with. Then the deputy minister may perhaps add his own comments.
On the subject of breast implants, it's of course important that the system be able to protect women's health. It must include a physician authorization process. It's also important to emphasize that, for the moment, the special access system is probably a short-term solution. In future, it will be possible to opt for something else. Regardless of the decision that is made in that regard, the protection of women's health will be an essential condition.
As regards special access to drugs, I would say that this is done on a case-by-case basis. It's important that the system make it possible for a decision to be made with respect to each drug and each situation. For each problem, you have to find a solution and create a system that works for patients. That's my opinion.