Definitely, Dr. Yeates, but we talk about the backlog in drug approvals. This looks absolutely ridiculous to me. If I were a woman in Canada, whether I were seeking an implant for cosmetic reasons or, God forbid, for reconstructive procedure following surgery, this would be an absolute nightmare, and I don't know how I'd make this decision. It must be a nightmare for physicians as well, but I really commiserate with the patients.
If I have a little bit more time, Mr. Chair, I'd like to ask Dr. Brown a couple of questions. How much time do I have? One and a half minutes?
Dr. Brown, I just want to cover a few areas, if you could touch on a couple of things for me. In terms of esthetic procedures for breast augmentation, my initial concern was waiting to hear how that would affect wait times in our hospitals. You seem to indicate those procedures are done in your private clinic. Is that true, sir, that all these are done in private clinics? A primary--