The process is somewhat similar. Silicone is supposed to be restricted to women who need reconstruction after breast cancer or need an implant replaced. However, their idea of reconstruction in the United States includes women whose breasts don't look as young as they used to because they breastfed. I was surprised to find out that this was a deformity, but apparently it is. So a very large percentage of women in the United States are getting silicone gel breast implants because their breasts look like they're 35 years old instead of looking like they're 20 years old. It's very easy for those women to get breast implants, because all they need is a doctor to say this is reconstruction. And as I said, their definition of reconstruction is not what I think the women here would probably think of as reconstruction.
It is a problem in the sense that these women are supposed to be studied. In the United States, if they get implants through special access, they're supposed to be studied over a long period of time, and they are not. They're not studied at all, actually.