Thank you.
Yes, through the special access program, I do apply for silicone gel-filled breast implants. I would estimate that approximately 40% to 50% are for reconstructive breast surgery for women who have undergone mastectomies or lumpectomies, and that the remaining 50% to 60% are divided between women undergoing implant replacement, who have likely had silicone gel breast implants in the past, and women undergoing primary breast augmentation with specific indications, such as an abnormal tuberous shape to the breast where defined devices that are presently available—i.e., saline breast implants—would likely cause significant problems and elevate the re-operation rate in those particular patients.
Examples would be patients who have very minimal tissue in certain areas, such as in a tuberous breast patient or in a patient who has undergone mastectomy, where there is little tissue to cover an implant in a certain area or where a salient implant would be extremely palpable, and so unnatural to the feel and look. Those are circumstances where conventional devices that are presently available would not be suitable.