Thank you.
That fact is not the least bit surprising. Breast reconstructive surgery is very complex and very difficult and very challenging surgery for the plastic surgeon, whether it is with the use of an implant or whether it is with the use of tissue taken from other areas of the body. Breast augmentation surgery is generally a fairly straightforward procedure, where we're dealing with a natural and normal part of anatomy and changing its feature. If done properly, it can be done with a very low complication rate.
Reconstructive surgery is trying to reconstruct, build, or create a new breast, essentially from nothing. It is a much more difficult and complex procedure, not to mention that it's often a unilateral procedure. Many of the re-operations that are quoted in these studies are re-operations to fine-tune balancing and symmetry issues, for example, lifting or reducing an opposite breast to try to make it look more like the breast that's been reconstructed.
So that data does not surprise me in the least.