Yes, I would like to make a few comments.
I think one of the outstanding features of the expert advisory panel was its diversity of membership. You could ask Dr. Chidwick or me to comment specifically about the panel's recommendations as they relate to fatigue testing, rupture rates, toxicology, etc. Dr. Chidwick mentioned immunology in one of the points that she raised. The beauty of our panel is that we had experts from each of these different areas who helped us, as a group, to put together a response to the questions put forth to us by Health Canada.
I do not put myself out as a biomaterials expert or an expert in immunology. I was part of the consultation process to put together this report. There was certainly debate about what safety is and when enough information is enough, and it's reasonable to request further information that is helpful and useful. The question becomes a determination of when there is enough information for a person to make a reasonable, informed decision based on the risks laid out in front of them.