Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.
I would now like to read excerpts from motion #1B, which among other things, notes the following:
There have been no objective, long-term studies on silicone gel breast implants and their effect on women's health.
Further on, there is a lengthy reference to testimony given by witnesses who last week provided the committee with information on silicone gel breast implants. The following is further noted:
The team of Doctor Robert Guidoin, a specialist in biomaterials at the Université Laval, demonstrated that the silicone gel prostheses implanted in 12,000 Canadian women can deteriorate, mix with tissue and release a potentially carcinogenic product into the human body.
Therefore, I am asking the minister to postpone her decision on silicone gel implants until we have definitive proof that these implants do not pose a health risk for women. The situation is becoming ridiculous.