Thank you, Madam Chairperson.
Well, as usual, my good friend Steven Fletcher has distorted and taken out of context my remarks. Let me try to get back to what I think is the issue of the day, which is recognizing that drug companies, both brand name and generic, have a responsibility for their products.
It's also recognized that you can't have the fox in charge of the henhouse, so our job today is to try to find a way to make sure that there is good oversight from the government of those companies producing the products in which you obviously have an interest in terms of your profit margins.
My question is, given an issue such as the one involving Vioxx, where drugs on the market doubled the risk of heart attacks and stroke and three million prescriptions a year were being written when it was taken off the market, have we learned anything from it? And what changes do you think government should put in place to protect Canadians from that kind of situation?
Does anybody want to answer that?