If I may respond, I will use a practical example. The load is on the manufacturer to report what the manufacturer is aware of. If the manufacturer is not aware of something, the manufacturer, clearly, can't make up a report and pass it on.
That said, we were looking in my department yesterday at a particular product that I shall choose not to name, and we compared reports in our database to what was in the Health Canada database for reports in Canada. We had 19 in our database, and there were 11 in the Health Canada database, of which two were common, i.e., two were similar. This is why I made a recommendation to Health Canada, and to the committee today, to encourage Health Canada to share their information with manufacturers: because there is increased granularity of nine reports that I was not able to see respecting privacy law. I could see only what's up on the website, something that all of you in the committee can also see, which was not a lot of detailed information.