The Canadian Institute for Health Information, or CIHI, gathers data on the health care system , which it then makes available to Canadians. CIHI was set up by the federal, provincial and territorial governments as an independent, not-for-profit organization dedicated to ensuring a common vision of health information in Canada. Our goal is to provide timely, accurate and comparable information.
CIHI's data and reports focus on health policies, support the effective delivery of health care services and inform Canadians about factors that contribute to good health.
CIHI's 16-member board of directors is proportionally constituted to create a balance among health sectors and among regions of Canada. It links federal, provincial, and territorial governments with non-governmental health-related groups, such as regional health authorities.
CIHI produces reports focused on health care services, population health, health spending, and health human resources, thanks to information that's supplied to us from hospitals, regional health authorities, governments, professional associations, and other partners.
Recently CIHI has been developing two new databases in the pharmaceutical area: the National Prescription Drug Utilization Information System, or NPDUIS, and the Canadian Medication Incident Reporting and Prevention System, or CMIRPS.
The National Prescription Drug Utilization Information System was built--and I quote here from a federal-provincial-territorial Ministers of Health press release--“to provide critical analyses of price, utilization and cost trends so that Canada's health system has more comprehensive, accurate information on how prescription drugs are being used and on sources of cost increases”.
In 2002 CIHI received funding for the development and implementation of a claims level database, with data and ongoing support from the federal, provincial, and territorial governments. The project is a collaboration with the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board. Each organization will take the lead in areas in which that organization has the expertise, experience, and mandate. Overall, the NPDUIS database provides access to standardized information on prescription drug use and costs from across jurisdictions; information that will facilitate the informed management of drug plans; exploration and analysis of the interplay among plan design, formulary listings, and utilization; analysis of the impact of policy decisions on utilization; analysis of trends in utilization over time and across jurisdictions; and new knowledge through analytic studies.
Due to its complexity, the NPDUIS database has been developed in stages. The first stage was to incorporate drug product information from Health Canada's drug product database as well as formulary and plan information from public drug plans across the country. The majority of federal, provincial, and territorial jurisdictions are currently supplying this information.
The second and much larger phase is the development of the system to hold the claims data. This includes the following information: what drug was dispensed when to which person where, who prescribed the drug, how often the prescription was filled, how much of the drug was dispensed, and how much it cost. Although the patient information is de-identified--for example, there are no names or addresses--this is done in such a way as to enable tracking of drug claim patterns over time. It's important to note that claims data does not include the reason a drug was prescribed, nor does it capture adverse drug reactions.
The current primary data sources for NPDUIS drug claims are provincial drug programs. The data is submitted once policy and technical issues are resolved. these include the legislative ability to provide the data to CIHI, privacy concerns, and the circumstances under which the data can be shared and/or disclosed by CIHI. For example, the data that is accessed by the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board for their analysis is governed by legal agreements between CIHI and each jurisdiction that is submitting the data. As data custodian, CIHI ensures that the data is collected and kept safe and secure for purposes of analysis and research, consistent with our mandate. And on an annual basis, we notify the jurisdictions of how the data has been accessed.
As of February 2008, NPDUIS includes provincial public drug claims data from the plans in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. We are in active discussions with many of the other jurisdictions.
The NPDUIS database is used by CIHI to conduct analysis and to produce reports, is shared with PMPRB for their NPDUIS work, provides an environment in which drug plan managers can conduct analysis, and is a means by which researchers and non-government organizations--such as, for example, the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health, CADTH--can access data according to our privacy policies and principles.
An example of how NPDUIS data can inform the health of Canadians is reflected in the first analysis released by CIHI last September. Here the database was used to identify trends in potentially inappropriate medication use among seniors. The analysis examined claiming patterns for seniors on public drug programs in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and New Brunswick. Specifically, we calculated the proportion of seniors on public drug programs who were using drugs that are either internationally recognized as potentially inappropriate for seniors due to the elevated risk of adverse events or are on a list developed by gerontologist Dr. Mark Beers.
So while I believe this type of study to be a very powerful example of the types of analyses that NPDUIS can support, I should also point out that there are some limitations in the types of analyses that can be performed using the database, in some cases due to privacy concerns or in others because of the lack of availability of the data. For example, our sub-geographical data is limited, in-hospital and private sector drug use data are currently not available in the drugbase, and there are some data-sharing conditions that are stipulated by the submitting jurisdictions.
I will now turn briefly to the other initiative you kindly invited us to speak about, the Canadian Medication Incident Reporting and Prevention System, or CMIRPS. This is a hospital-based reporting system which is in its developmental stages at CIHI and will be pilot tested later this year. We are working closely with Health Canada, the Canadian Patient Safety Institute, and the Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada to coordinate our country's ability to effectively manage information on medication errors through the development of this database.
I should point out that CMIRPS, as currently designed, does not capture adverse drug reactions. Rather, it is designed to measure system errors caused by inappropriate human actions, such as the patient being given an incorrect medication or the wrong dose of a medication in a hospital setting. Data collected by hospitals and submitted to CMIRPS will be analyzed to inform systems and process redesign, which in turn will make it possible to deliver safer patient care.
That brings me to the conclusion of my presentation. As an organization that is dedicated, and even passionate, about the power of health information to improve health and health services, we want to thank you very much for your interest in our emerging databases.
I will be happy to answer your questions.