Thank you, Madam Chairperson.
Thank you, Minister, and your staff, for being here.
I know that you felt we were in a life-threatening situation; you said so during the debate on December 11. But nothing that you did, Mr. Minister, leading up to that moment suggests that you reacted in any way that resembled reacting to a life-and-death situation. Even if you didn't know until December 5.... And I have no proof to suggest otherwise, except that it just seems incredible, unbelievable, that you wouldn't have known about this life-threatening situation before December 5, especially given our testimony from MDS Nordion, where irrefutable evidence was clearly put on record to suggest that they let your government know on November 22.
So even if you didn't know until December 5, it seems to me that you didn't react with any haste. You didn't let the health community know publicly. You didn't let parliamentarians know. You didn't take any immediate steps to actually deal with this on a very urgent basis. Even when your deputy minister was asked if he knew if it was December 5 when he had heard, he said, “I heard on December 5, and I believe the department learned on December 5.” So clearly, he's left the door open to the fact that somebody in the department would have known. There would have been some communication somewhere if it had been as life-threatening as you talk about.
We also know today from the testimony by MDS Nordion that on November 23 they were out making calls all around the world looking for other suppliers. For the health department not to know that strikes me as absolutely bizarre. If we accept the fact that you didn't know on December 5, that means there was a clear breakdown of communication in your government. That's what we had hoped you would address today, that you would acknowledge this problem and say how you're going to fix it. There is nothing that you have said either in the protocol or in your remarks today that suggests how you will make sure in your government that when someone in one department, like Natural Resources, hears something of a life-threatening nature, there's a mechanism for getting that information to the highest levels of government.
Mr. Minister, you may shake your head at all of this, but I also have been a minister in a government, and I know that if I had faced a similar situation, my head would have rolled, because we operate, as you should, on the basis of ministerial responsibility. You're ultimately responsible for decisions that are made or not made, and you failed in your duties--not personally, but somewhere in your system you failed--and there wasn't a proper line of communication. That's what we haven't heard you address.
So I would like to hear what your plan is in government for ensuring that when such life-threatening information is conveyed to government, it gets from that official to that department to that minister, to the next department that is involved, and to you as Minister of Health responsible for this life-threatening situation.