Thank you, Madame Chairperson, and thanks to all of you for appearing before us today.
The reason we're here is to try to avoid a repeat of this whole sad and sorry state of affairs that led to Parliament being put into the terrible position of making a very difficult choice without all the facts; and to try to avoid in the future any possibility of the supply of isotopes—which is so vital for medical treatments and therapies—being hindered again; and to avoid members of Parliament having to sit down and choose between the advice of a nuclear safety commissioner, who talks about safety on the basis of expertise and knowledge, and people going without something that may be life-saving.
I'm not sure, after all the hearings before the natural resources committee and the presentations today, that we're much closer to knowing what caused this and how we could have avoided it. I think we need to get just a little bit of clarification about the timelines, as there is ongoing confusion, and no one has really given us the proper timeframe.
You say, Mr. Malkoske, that it was on November 22 that you heard, through a Department of Natural Resources official. Is that correct?