Please let me try to clarify that.
When the NRU event took place, we immediately started—on November 23, as I reported a moment ago—to contact our suppliers in Europe and South Africa. What we were looking for was an incremental amount of material, whatever they would have available, frankly, to fill the NRU gaps. They did increase some of their production capability. The best information we have is that they increased it by about 10% or 15%.
We then also took a second step. We asked them if they would be prepared to look at the redistribution of the product they had in their normal production capacity, in their normal or routine capability. This is where they declined. So they had a baseload, if you will, and they were not prepared to share the baseload.
Of the incremental 10% or 15% available from the world-wide production chain—still causing a shortfall of 35% globally—we at Nordion were only able to obtain about 20%. So of the increase of 10% to 15%, we got about 20% and distributed it as equitably as we could to our customers, the manufacturers.
So I think there's a bit of difference between routine capability and incremental ramp-up capability to deal with shortages.