Thanks very much.
I guess I'm having a little trouble believing that you couldn't predict that there would be a problem on November 27, and that you would then wait for the calls and letters to be coming in--in a panic--at the first clinical problem, instead of actually predicting it.
Therefore I am having trouble with what Mr. Malkoske said, which is that planning is not the issue, only communication is. That means there isn't a plan B. If the only possible solution is starting up a shaky forty-year-old reactor in an earthquake zone--if that's plan B--we aren't doing very well in terms of planning. I guess I want to know where we are going on plan B in terms of what you would do again. I haven't heard that we've learned anything so far.
Secondly, you said the problem was mainly communication. I guess I would like MDS Nordion to have a chance to answer the CMAJ allegations that a lot of the problem seems to be a lack of communication between you and AECL, in that you don't seem to be at the meetings and being able to say what each other is doing. Then there's the allegation from the Netherlands in that article that said we never get any information from the Canadians, and that you wouldn't cooperate with Europe's two large-scale isotope suppliers. Nordion is represented at our meetings, but either AECL doesn't tell Nordion or they don't allow Nordion to tell us.... The breakdown in communication, let alone the nonsense between the natural resources minister and the health minister, who don't seem to have a telephone....
Could you help me with what plan B is? Then I would like MDS Nordion to tell me what R and D you are doing so that in the future you could use fluoride, you could use partical accelerator kinds of isotopes that do not require the high-grade enriched uranium at all, in terms of how we move forward out of this pickle of your monopoly for 50% of the world supply with no plan B.