Madam Chair and committee members, I thank you for the opportunity speak to you today on this important issue of post-market surveillance. My name is Douglas Anderson, and I am the president-elect of the Federation of Medical Regulatory Authorities of Canada, or FMRAC. I'm also the associate registrar of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.
I'm addressing you today on behalf of FMRAC and its 13 members, the provincial and territorial medical regulatory authorities. These are more commonly known as the colleges of physicians and surgeons in each province. They are statutory bodies established by provincial or territorial legislation to do the following: serve the public interest, establish and maintain the standards and honour of the profession, establish rules for the proper professional conduct of its members, determine qualification for registration and licensure, and determine and evaluate the competency and conduct necessary to maintain registration and licensure.
I will address two issues regarding post-market surveillance: first, respective roles of Health Canada and our member medical regulatory authorities; and second, the responsibilities of practising physicians.
Monitoring the safety and the efficacy and quality of prescription and non-prescription drug products after they have reached the marketplace is a complex process. It includes surveillance and inspection, adverse reaction reporting with subsequent reports, communication of health risk to professionals and the public, and compliance verifications and investigations. The medical regulatory authorities have a number of policies dealing with drugs and prescribing issues. For example, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, where I work, has specific policies. I won't bother to read these, considering the time.
These policies for the most part focus on clinical, administrative, or prescribing issues: for example, appropriate clinical indication for some drugs, appropriate office procedures for managing drugs, and avoiding medical errors, etc.
Another member, the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia, has a review program to evaluate prescribing by physicians of mood-altering drugs and narcotics, identify multi-doctoring for the purpose of obtaining addictive drugs, oversee and ensure the appropriate prescribing of methadone in addiction treatment, and evaluate the treatment of chronic non-malignant pain through the appropriate use of narcotics. The College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia has access to detailed data on physician prescribing that is not available in other jurisdictions. B.C. PharmaNet is a province-wide network that links all B.C. pharmacies to a central set of data systems. PharmaNet supports drug dispensing, drug monitoring, and claims processing.
Endeavours by the federal government to work with the provincial and territorial governments to expand this kind of initiative across the country would be greatly supported by FMRAC and its members.
It is important to note that these policies and programs do not directly address the safety, efficacy, and quality of prescription drugs and non-prescription drugs after they have reached the marketplace. We agree it is important for physicians to report adverse drug reactions. It is the opinion of FMRAC and its members that the coordination of this activity is best handled by Health Canada. I'll address this later.
The role of the medical regulatory authorities can be a facilitative one, in the form of transmitting information through their respective publications or websites. There are several examples of this across the country. Even this role presents a challenge to our members. The medical regulatory authorities frequently receive bulletins from Health Canada describing drug recalls, adverse drug reaction problems, cautions with respect to specific agents, and so on.
It is not clear to the medical regulatory authorities what Health Canada expects them to do with this information. Information can be posted on the websites with links to Health Canada, or it can be highlighted in a newsletter. However, information sent by Health Canada to the 13 provincial and territorial medical regulatory authorities is not necessarily passed on to all practising physicians, for several reasons, including the cost consideration, legislative mandates, and timeliness of our publications. We cannot assume responsibility for confirming that practising physicians have had access to and have read and understood the materials produced by Health Canada.
As I stated before, FMRAC and its members believe in the importance of reporting adverse drug reactions. Several have promoted this issue to practising physicians through various means, including publications—for example, newsletters, and websites.
A reporting system that encourages reporting rather than one that potentially penalizes non-reporting would be more fruitful in the longer term. Technically a mandatory reporting system should be accompanied by means to monitor and enforce this compliance. FMRAC is of the opinion that in the current federal-provincial-territory structure for health care, this is not possible. The medical regulatory authorities have no means of detecting lack of compliance, other than by the established complaints process. If a provincial or territorial medical regulatory authority receives a complaint about a physician who has not reported a serious adverse drug reaction, it will deal with it, as with all other complaints, through our due processes.
We would support a simple reporting system for physicians, possibly linked to the electronic medical record. At this pre-implementation stage of the EMR and the electronic health record, EHR, it would be useful to create a field for quickly reporting an adverse drug reaction directly to Health Canada. If the tool is intuitive, timely, and easy to use, this reporting could be done as part of the regular patient-physician encounter.
Any reporting mechanism is only as good as the ultimate use that is made of the information provided. It will be important to include credible, timely monitoring of this information. This role should be within Health Canada's mandate.
Here's an example. A physician reports a mild to moderate adverse drug reaction through the EMR. Health Canada has been monitoring all the reports, and it notices that this represents the one hundredth such report across the country within the last year. The surveillance is raised a level and a request for more information goes out to the 100 physicians. As this activity now requires a significant time commitment on the part of the physician, it would be helpful for Health Canada to have worked with its provincial and territorial counterparts on appropriate remuneration for this activity.
From a medical regulatory perspective, a system for reporting adverse drug reactions should also be a learning tool for the providers, physicians, and others. Once a report has been filed with Health Canada, it would be useful if there was an electronic exchange of information between Health Canada and the health care professional. An example of meaningful educational information from Health Canada would be data on trends, numbers of reports received on a particular drug and the nature of the reports, and suggested courses of action. Providers are more likely to make the effort to produce and submit a report if they know they will receive valuable, timely information in return that will help them provide optimal care to their patients.
It would also be very useful and educational for the physician who has filed a report to receive information on the end result: were the modifications made to the drug profile, to the recommended dosage? In addition, an acknowledgement to the physician for their valuable input is always welcome.
Once a simple and timely system based on sound educational principles is in place, FMRAC and its member medical regulatory authorities would gladly promote its use to practising physicians across Canada.
I would like to thank you for your attention, and I would be pleased to answer any questions.