Thank you very much. I really appreciate the opportunity to be here.
I am here as the president of the Anemia Institute for Research and Education. I will also speak, though, in my role as president of the Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders.
Let me just put into the context, in terms of post-market surveillance, that for us this really means all the collection, analysis, and utilization of data on the impact of health technology. Certainly we're very pleased to see the health committee moving forward on this. At the moment, I think our major concern is that we believe the way it's being done currently is really not very useful to patient decision-making, and in fact, in some respects it may actually be quite harmful. As patients, we're well aware of the need to balance safety and efficacy, the risks and benefits, costs and affordability, but at the end of the day, patients really have one bottom line, and that is to be able to have access to medicines, and certainly to the most appropriate medicines, as soon as possible.
The second need for us is really making sure that, at the end of the day, the therapies we're getting are perceived to be working. Currently I would say that most of the system around post-market surveillance is really not very helpful to what we would call patients being able to make the trade-offs between risk and benefits, partly because in many respects we just aren't given that information. We're not given it usually from the physician, who may prescribe a medicine and not necessarily talk about it in terms of risk and benefits, and certainly we're not given it from the point of view of the government or from the manufacturers in truly understanding what the trade-offs are in those decisions around trade-offs.
We expect that post-market surveillance, though, is not only going to answer the question, is this drug safe and does it continue to be perceived as safe, but also, is the drug effective? So what we're directing back is to say, in terms of post-market surveillance, that the information, the collection of data, needs to be as much geared towards assuring that drugs are effective, and certainly effective for the specific patient populations for which they're being used, as well as whether they are continuing to be safe. That, to me, is one of the first challenges.
Let me briefly give a couple of scenarios that help drive our thinking.
Certainly the Anemia Institute has been very much concerned, in moving out of an area that the institute grew out of, about the issues around tainted blood. I think what we were keenly aware of, of course, is that at that time, even when the post-market data were very clear that we had a problem with the blood system, there was no uptake in terms of that information. There was no decision-making that actually took advantage of that information as it came down.
I was very pleased, as we went through the reforms of that system, to be named to the first board of directors of the Canadian Blood Services. However, I walked off that board two years later, in part because it was my sense that in setting up the new board of directors and the new Canadian Blood Services, we had certainly abandoned science and logic as a reaction to what had happened and, in fact, became hypersensitive to the issues around the post-market “safety”, to a point where it became very detrimental.
I'll give you two examples. One was the whole issue around banning donors who had accumulated more than six months of stay in England. At that time, the reason for the ban was because of the concerns around BSE among cattle. There was a concern that people who had been in England over a period of time might in fact actually have been exposed to contaminated beef and may be at risk for CJD, and there was a theoretical risk that CJD could be transmitted through blood.
At the end of the day, we made a fairly draconian decision to ban donors who accumulated more than six months of stay. I won't go through all the details of what was wrong with that decision, but I will say that decision was made fully in the face of no science, and actually a lack of common sense. Even today, some 15 years later, when it is very clear that there is in fact no such risk and there has been maybe one potential case of transmission of CJD, and we have in our own country now evidence of BSE in the cattle and we have evidence of it in the U.S., we continue to keep this ban. That, for me, makes no sense.
So we're doing something as a post-market reaction to an incident that happened, but we're unable to actually correct that once we're into it.
The second one I will give is continuing to ban donors who are men who have sex with men. Sure, in the early 1980s that was a problem, but now, some 25 years later, we are overreacting. It's not only a case of shutting the barn door after the horses have left; we're actually not even opening them up again when the horses are desperately needed. We have to be able to set up a system that works on the basis of science and logic and doesn't just become reactionary.
My other concern, as I say, from Anemia Institute, is that one of the recommendations coming out of the blood system was to be able to use alternatives to blood whenever possible, and we've had a real problem now with the erythropoiesis-stimulating agents. Yes, there are really very important issues that post-market surveillance has actually been able to find, and we give full credit to all of the agencies that have been examining that and understanding some of the risks that have been exposed.
Our problem right now is the way in which the process is being done, and certainly the U.S. FDA is a very poor example, in how they're reacting to it. I think it's a reactionary response to what happened with some issues like Vioxx. It does not help patients, and certainly I don't think it helps clinicians, when you have ongoing rolling reviews, ongoing restrictions that are taking place without full evidence. We think there needs to be a systematic approach towards this, understanding how much new information to gather—at what point do you come up with a decision, at what point do you put that out—and not constantly putting out little red flags and sending out DHCPL letters every time you have a new piece of information. It doesn't help us. We have to do this much more systematically.
We have developed some fairly good systems in terms of pre-market clinical trials and how to assess them. We have to apply that to post-market.
Finally, I'll go back to my issues around rare disorders. I think this is a very important opportunity for us to take advantage of what we see as a very positive happening in Health Canada with the progressive licensing framework—the ability to begin to provide some approval around drugs even as the evidence is continuing to be developed. We think the progressive licensing route is a very progressive way of working, and we have been very pleased to see some of the opportunities.
We're hoping that with this progressive licensing framework, as we bring in drugs—especially for the rare disorders, which continue to pose a great deal of difficulty in meeting the kinds of standards that your normal clinical trials would have—we'll be able to set up a very robust post-market system for these drugs, as they're coming in with much earlier evidence.
Certainly we see patient registries as being a very powerful tool to that. Again, I would argue very strongly that we need to have some systematic rules around how we're going to set up those patient registries. I really urge that those patient registries be internationally based, not just for rare disorders but for all—whatever we're doing in post-market surveillance has to be international—and that we also need to fully engage the patients. I think this is where the system has failed the patients. We still do not have a system in which patients are fully aware of where they can report adverse events. They don't get any feedback even if they do report them, and they certainly are not part of the whole post-system of communication and dissemination. Patients need to have information at a post-market stage that is patient friendly and fully understandable.
We applaud Health Canada for the patient-friendly monographs that are coming out with the new drug licensing. We think this is a very positive move. We think that the same thing needs to apply in post-market.
I also applaud very much what Health Canada's doing in terms of allowing people to have direct access to adverse reaction reporting as it's coming out. So as a patient, I can sign up. I can get the warnings. I get a very quick synopsis of it. I can decide whether it's useful to me. I urge, too, that this information also be patient friendly, because what we get is sort of just standard; it's not necessarily fully intelligible to a patient.
In conclusion, I will say that we don't easily praise what is happening in government, so when we do, it means a lot to us. We think that Health Canada has done some very significant things over the past few years, including setting up the post-market, engaging patients fully, and developing the progressive licensing framework that sets up an ongoing opportunity to no longer call it just post-market surveillance, but to have ongoing input.
We do think the patient registries could be a very important part of it, and I would really urge that we more fully engage patients in the reporting of adverse events, in terms of receiving that information, having direct lines into the government, and certainly direct access to that feedback and information.
I would also encourage Canada to do something that we think they're very remiss in, and that is to support patients and patient groups to help disseminate that information. We're one of the few countries I know of in the developed world that does not directly support patient organizations, and it makes it daunting for us to do our work. It's no good casting aspersions on the patient groups for taking industry funding when there are no other sources of funding. I really encourage the government to take a look at that.
Thank you very much for the opportunity. We're very pleased to see the Standing Committee on Health take up this issue. We encourage very robust scientific methodologies for linking post-market surveillance to the pre-market data, but we also urge that the information be considered in a very systematic way, certainly considering the patients at the end of it.
Thank you.