I think you're quite right that there is a huge responsibility on Health Canada to become more effective as communicators of this information. Right now, the ways in which doctors are advised about problems with drugs don't appear to be that effective, necessarily. They are probably more likely, frankly, to react to a front page news story than to an official report from Health Canada. That's a problem.
One thing that will happen, I can assure you, is that when patients read that the drug they are taking is on the front page of their newspaper, they will then inquire about what else they could be taking, what the alternatives are, whether this bad thing is likely to happen to them too.
So I take issue a little bit with the gentleman from the Consumers' Association of Canada, with all respect, because I think that no one has a greater interest in the safety of drug products than the person who is taking them. Especially if it can be easy for them to make a phoned-in report, they have a perfect interest to do so.
The question is, what then is the response? Is it going into a black hole, or is there going to be some reporting back of how their information was used? I think there needs to be more of a quid pro quo.
In other words, if I tell you my story, you have to tell me how it helped fill in the history of this particular product; you have to tell me what steps are going to be taken to advise the larger community about this problem.
Or if my story is a one-off and really wasn't very relevant, I'd like to know that too. I don't mind negative results, but I'd like to know something was done with that report.