Good morning, Madam Chair and committee members. I'm a clinician at the Children's Hospital in Vancouver, and I would like to speak to you today about post-market surveillance from the standpoint of somebody who works daily with patients in the Canadian health care system, and about what I think can be done about this system to make it even better.
Adverse drug reactions are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in this country and other countries around the world. Adverse drug reactions or drug side effects are the fifth leading cause of death in North America. If it were up to me, I would ban the term “side effects” from the lexicon and change it completely to “adverse drug reactions”.
We need to understand the fact that this is a major public health issue, and we need to address it. The difficulties, however, are that idiosyncratic response--the response that one person has to a drug that is an effective remedy for a particular ailment when for another it's actually harmful--make it very difficult to factor into regulatory change these kinds of issues.
We have a post-market surveillance system in this country. Most countries around the world do. Some are mandatory, some are voluntary. In either case, mandatory or voluntary, they predominantly don't work. In Canada, 95% of adverse drug reactions are never reported to regulators. Again, making it mandatory won't change that number--95% incomplete--significantly.
What we need is a system that's directed at solutions, at solving adverse drug reactions, not just at collecting reports. We need a solution-directed approach, and unfortunately with so few reports coming in and those that come in actually being incomplete, not having sufficient detail, it is very difficult to analyze the reports and to come up with meaningful solutions to these safety problems.
As an academic, I can tell you that one of the key examples of this is the methodology. You don't just collect reports of adverse drug reactions. You have to collect reports of people who took the drug and didn't have an adverse reaction so you can compare the two. That's not done. That's part of the problem.
What's the solution? One possible solution is to look at human genetics and the role it plays in drug biotransformation. Drugs are transformed in the body. They are not just consumed and then eliminated as the same product that you took by mouth, or took intravenously, or injected another way. Drugs are transformed, and in these transformations there is a variety of many steps for most drugs. Each of these steps is controlled by genes. Some of these genes are expressed when you are a young child, and some are expressed later in adulthood, which means that for children, an age-based approach, bearing in mind Madeline's comments about gender as well, is also important.
Pharmacogenomics can help by looking at how genes control the biotransformation of drugs, and whether some of those biotransformation products are toxic or not.
About four years ago, Michael Hayden, a geneticist in Vancouver, and I began a $10 million study to look at the genetic basis of drug reactions in children. To date we have more than 9,000 cases from Canada and controls from Halifax to Vancouver that we've captured with our surveillance network. We built a post-marketing surveillance system that could allow us to do the work that we wanted to do, since we didn't have one in Canada that we could use.
That system has proven remarkably effective. It has 13 paid clinicians, whom I pay, from across the country from Halifax to Vancouver at all the children's hospitals that are the tertiary referral centres. We have Halifax, Sainte-Justine in Quebec, the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, etc. There are eight sites. We're adding nine additional sites this year.
The goal is to find cases of adverse drug reactions, to find matched patients who haven't had adverse drug reactions but who took the drug, and to look at the genetic differences between them. I can report from this work today that we have found the genetic basis, we believe, according to preliminary data, for three serious and fatal drug reactions, and we will be on the quest for many more in the coming years.
I wanted to tell you a little bit about what we've discovered, and then also provide some forward thinking on where we are going to go next. The first report I wanted to tell you about was codeine.
Tylenol 3 is an over-the-counter non-prescription pain reliever that is very effective. Tylenol 3 actually has codeine in it. Codeine is a weak narcotic. When it is biotransformed in the body, it becomes morphine, which of course is a much stronger narcotic. We discovered a case of a child who died, presumably of sudden infant death syndrome, in Ontario about two years ago. We reported this case in The Lancet, the British medical journal.
In this case the child was found dead of presumed sudden infant death syndrome. This is a diagnosis of exclusion, meaning that if there isn't any other reason for the child's death, that would be the diagnosis. A follow-up toxicology screen by the Ontario coroner revealed that this child actually had lethal levels of morphine in the bloodstream. How does a 13-day-old child get morphine in the bloodstream? There was no apparent reason for that.
We analyzed the breast milk of the mother and found twenty times the level of morphine that one would expect in her breast milk. The reason is actually genetic. It was basically two gene variants that she possessed that caused the death of this child through breastfeeding, one of the worst possible events that I can imagine for a patient.
These genes are actually fairly common variants. If you've ever taken Tylenol 3 or you know people who have, you know that there are big differences between how people respond. Some people say that if they take one of those tablets, it knocks them out cold; some people say that if they take two or three of those--that would be me--they don't feel anything different.
These are genetic differences. This mother had this kind of response. She actually had constipation and somnolence. She was very, very tired from this medication. Those effects are well-known opiate effects from drugs like morphine and codeine. She went to her physician; the dose was reduced by half, and it still killed her baby.
This a major issue. What we've now come up with is a way to predict in whom these reactions are likely to occur and thus to avoid using the drugs in those patients, or at least to use them in much, much smaller doses.
That's one example of where we're heading.
We've done some follow-up work with Motherisk, the pregnancy and breastfeeding information line in Canada, with women who have called about codeine, and we're publishing those results, we hope, in the coming months. We've submitted them for publication.
The next reaction I want to talk about is cisplatin. Cisplatin is the drug of choice for ovarian cancer and many solid tumours in children and adults. It's a very effective anti-cancer agent. It's been around since the 1950s. It has an 80% to 85% success rate in inducing remission or cure.
Unfortunately, it causes deafness. In pediatrics this is well understood and well accepted. In adults, it isn't even monitored. I believe that it is a problem in adults as well as a problem in children. I want the effective outcomes, and I think hearing is a reasonable sacrifice for life, but I would really like to save people's lives without any loss of hearing and without causing another problem.
We've begun a quest to find out if there's a genetic difference. We've found a gene that is 100% predictive of severe deafness, deafness at the level at which a cochlear implant or hearing aid needs to be placed. This relationship is very strong.
Cardiovascular disease and cholesterol are linked. We all know that. We've been told this many times. The link is an odds ratio, a statistical calculation of about 1.7. In the case of cisplatin and deafness, the gene that we found is an odds ratio of infinity, because it is 100% predictive: it only occurs in people with severe hearing loss. It doesn't occur in anybody else. An odds ratio of infinity is quite substantially greater, obviously, than even the link between cardiovascular disease and cholesterol.
The third reaction I want to talk to you about is anthracyclines. Anthracyclines are the drugs of choice for leukemias and many other cancers. They are used as extra drugs for many types of cancer treatment. In the anthracyclines doxorubicin, daunorubicin, and epirubicin are many names of these drugs in this chemical class. They are very effective--in 80% to 85% of cases, they induce remission or cure--but again they have a limiting toxicity. That's cardiotoxicity, heart toxicity. About 3% of the children we treat at B.C. Children's Hospital end up dying of their cardiovascular complications from their anti-cancer drug. About 8% of our children end up on the cardiac transplant list in British Columbia.
There is a 61% mortality rate for this particular reaction. Again, we found the gene for this particular reaction. It's a membrane transporter that's responsible for removing anthracyclines from the cardiac cell. In the cardiac cell, once the drug gets in there it can't get back out and causes cell death. That's the mechanism we believe is responsible.
Again, these are preliminary results with a very high odds ratio of about 20, meaning you would be 20 times more likely to have cardiotoxicity if you had this particular gene than if you didn't. These are very significant findings and show that when you combine clinical pharmacology and the biotransformation of drugs with human genetic profiles, you can actually predict in whom reactions are likely to occur. And that's where we are heading, predictive testing.
The last thing I wanted to say is that we need many more of these kinds of predictive tests. I think Canada can actually lead the world. I've spent 20 years of my life studying post-market surveillance and running systems in two different countries to try to improve the quality of what we're doing. I can actually do a post-market surveillance system finding the genes, as I've described to you, for about $1.5 million a year. This is not an expensive process. This is about getting the right people engaged and the right attitudes in place to actually make a difference.
What this has enabled me to do is to get other clinicians involved. When you show people that reporting so we can have a solution makes a difference, they'll report, they'll participate. They don't want to see regulation for the purpose of regulation. It's great to talk about improving safety of drugs for Canadians, but we need solutions not just great frameworks.
Lastly, I'd like to say that it's like building a car. Start with a Kia, not a Cadillac. Start with something a little less impressive perhaps than what you ultimately want to create in terms of a post-market surveillance system. I would suggest drug-safety-focused, solution-directed. Pick one drug you want to find a solution to, or two or five, but just a few, and move from there.
Thank you.