The philosophy of ensuring a safe blood supply and a safe organ supply remains the same throughout. The philosophy of using the gay population and targeting them as vectors of disease, however, drastically needs to change.
In a day and age where the gay fight has come from being viewed as a mental disorder to where we now are supposedly equal people in society can be vastly undermined by such targeted exposure and criteria that really put a negative slant on being gay.
You will notice that Canadian Blood Services in 2005 did a revamp of their criteria and what were criteria that would exclude five to ten years got changed. Gay men are still excluded for life from ever giving blood.
The whole point is that not all gay men take part in risk activity. There are heterosexual people who take part in risk activity. We don't want to say it, but anal sex is one of them. And if you're going on a basis of risk behaviour, then you have to include all risk behaviour in all categories of people and not just exclude it to gay men.
Safety is paramount, yes. We really need to find a way where safety can be had without the prejudice against gay men.