Okay. I'd love to spend more time on this, but I should get on to post-market surveillance and the question of adverse reactions, since that's our study.
I'd like to ask both of you, Madam Fraser and Mr. Alvarez, since both of you talked about the responsibility right now of manufacturers to report adverse reactions to government. I think you, Madam Fraser, have indicated that, at least in the past, that has not been done adequately. I haven't seen evidence to suggest that it's been done any more effectively recently. In fact, who should get the information and who's responsible are contentious points around these committee hearings. In the new legislation that just came down, there is an attempt to make mandatory reporting from health institutions, and lots of the witnesses here have big concerns about that.
What would be your advice on adverse reporting? Do you see that it's actually happening, that manufacturers are doing their job? Are we getting complete reports? How do we make it happen?