Thank you very much.
I don't have much time, but I would like to come back to the Bloc's question about direct-to-consumer advertising, as I think it is a problem in terms of both costs to our drug system and problems in terms of drug safety. It's about pushing drugs onto people and accelerating demand.
I believe this present legislation will open the door wider to direct-to-consumer advertising, so I would like to know what you think about it, if you have had a chance to look at it. But if you haven't, could you comment on the fact that the minister says there is no change with respect to DTCA? In other words, the status quo will continue, and all the ads that you've shown today, Alan Cassels, will be permitted and be allowed to multiply, because they don't tie the specific condition to the name of the drug.
Can you comment on the advisability of closing that loophole in the drug regulations and what we should do about any opening of the door on this issue with respect to the broader DTCA matter?