Good afternoon. I will be giving my presentation in French.
I will begin by introducing myself. I am a lawyer specializing in health law. I am first and foremost a practitioner. My practice is a bit special because it deals with approximately half of all health care-related legal cases in Quebec. We basically defend the rights of users and patients in all areas of the health care system. Today I will be presenting from the point of view of patients and patients' rights, since this is a very important factor when we are talking about oversight of drugs after they come on the market. It is an important issue for patient safety.
I would first say that my practice is not an ordinary one; it is not an American-style approach either. We promote certain values such as quality, safety and accessibility, in particular. My comments today will focus primarily on our commitment to safety.
I am very pleased to be here and I thank the committee for giving us this opportunity to express our views. It is important that the whole process be reviewed because, if we look at the current regulations, it is clear that they are extremely weak and limited from the standpoint of the public, consumers, and those taking these drugs. The regulations are based mainly on self-regulation by the pharmaceutical companies as to the undesirable effects of drugs put on the market. The only control is the obligation that companies have under section 16 of the regulations to indicate to Health Canada any cases where the drug is found to have had an undesirable effect.
Under the act, Health Canada can ask for analyses, etc., but the public has no concept of how the companies interpret the rules. In other words, are they using a restrictive interpretation, which would result in too few cases being reported? Moreover, the public has no idea whether Health Canada checks or validates how the companies interpret the information. And people do not really know what Health Canada does with all the reports. The department is empowered to do additional analysis and testing, but I personally have not seen any reports or documentation or anything else to show that those rules are actually implemented.
There is also the possibility of clinical trials being carried out in phase 4 as well. There are a lot of rules governing clinical testing in phases 1, 2 and 3, but practically none for phase 4 testing. So there is a problem. That aspect should be looked at in the legislation.
There is also a system of voluntary reporting by health professionals and the general public. This is a voluntary, administrative system that does not have any process set out for it. Likewise, there is no follow-up mechanism for these reports. So an ordinary citizen or a professional might report a problem, but what happens to that report? Nothing is known about what the process might be. I think that this is an important precaution, since it is a major issue for health safety, as I have said.
As one possible approach, I would mention the Quebec Health Safety Act passed in 2002. In Quebec, the legislation did get changed. It resulted from a case that was dealt with by my office. Steps were taken to amend the legislation, to change the rules governing the safety of care. The premise was that a certain number of health care accidents occur in our health system. Similarly, there are certain undesirable effects of drugs as well. Up to that point, they were often considered to be anecdotal incidents that were talked about and reported but there was never any follow-up. In 2002, the legislation was changed to make the reporting of health care incidents and accidents mandatory.
Under the Quebec act, drug side-effects are considered to be health care accidents. The legislation requires that they be reported within each health care institution. Incidents must be reported to an internal body called the Risk Management and Health Care Quality Committee, which the law requires to be set up. So disclosure must be made to patients whenever they suffer complications, and they must be given support or told what action will be taken if such a thing happens. The committee is required to investigate all incidents to determine what occurred, prepare reports and recommendations, and keep a registry.
So Quebec's health system already has a very structured legal framework. This legal framework would be extremely useful in this case for reporting the adverse effects of drugs, or for reporting any unexpected results linked to taking prescription medication.
If we generally consider what might be more useful for Health Canada, it might be a good idea to take into account Quebec's system without creating any overlap. I believe that the legislation in Quebec and Manitoba is fairly similar. These two provinces are ahead of the others in this regard. Whatever the case may be, what is important is that we now have an organized and accountable system that allows people to report accidents. These cases are handled by an organization that investigates and makes recommendations to improve the situation.
Today, the voluntary disclosure system is purely administrative. There has been a significant increase in the number of disclosures made. This system, which is not very well known by the public, involves a lot of red tape. Despite this fact, it received thousands of disclosures. It's unbelievable. Further, I believe this is only the tip of the iceberg. My impression is that in reality, if the system were better known, more user-friendly, tighter and more accountable, we would receive many more complaints. And if that was the case, we would certainly be in a better position to improve the safety of the public.
As I said, these statements are often perceived by doctors as being nothing more than more bloody paperwork. Even if they see things which should be reported, most of the time doctors don't do so because they can choose between making a report to the federal government, which is a lengthy process, or to treat the patient. That's often their dilemma. Further, people have no idea what happens after they send in their statement. Under a post-market surveillance system of pharmaceutical products, perhaps disclosure should be mandatory for health care professionals. But even under a mandatory system, people usually under-report any incidents. If they are not forced to do so, the under-reporting will be even greater.
I know that this information is not relevant to the committee's mandate, but it is estimated that only between 4% and 5% of post-vaccination accidents or complications are reported, despite the fact that there is a mandatory reporting process in place for post-vaccination incidents. So just imagine the very low number of cases which would be reported under a system where that is not mandatory. However, I think this is one solution that we should consider.
Perhaps we should also force manufacturers to do a bit more. The packaging of drugs provides information and medical terms. It also contains a package insert describing the risks and effects of the medication, and so on. Why should we not force manufacturers to also include a telephone number or an Internet address which people could access to report any adverse reaction or complication? That way, manufacturers would be more accountable to the people who take their drugs. They also could indicate what to do in case of an adverse effect. I think this would be the very least that should be done.
I also believe that the regulations, or even the act, should outline the disclosure process, so that people realize it is important. For now, it's a purely administrative issue. People might think that the information ends up somewhere, but they don't really know where. There should be some kind of organization within Health Canada to conduct follow-ups and people should know what the process involves, rather than hearing that there were 30, 40 or 50 other complaints without being able to in any way appreciate the significance of what has happened.
Regarding the management of risks and the safety of these medications, we should benefit from provincial experience. It's clear that from a marketing point of view, we can benefit from provincial health care systems, at least in the case of Quebec, where there is a system for managing health care accidents which is structured, regulated and organized. In order to avoid overlap and wasting time, it would be important to benefit from that experience.
It is all the more imperative to do this because there is growing pressure to shorten the time it takes to licence drugs. The same applies to the access to medication under the Special Access Programme, for example. There is the risk that we will see more drugs ending up on the market for which the trials during phases 1, 2 and 3 will not have been extensive enough. It therefore becomes all the more important to strengthen monitoring during phase 4, to implement a legal framework, and to create ethics oversight committees under phase 4.
At present, ethics committees get almost no legal supervision. Their makeup and operation varies. With regard to the object of the research, we know that these practices are not very reassuring. Clearly, this needs thinking about. Unfortunately, a number of these aspects also fall under provincial jurisdiction.