The issue of mandatory reporting is something that could be discussed at great length. In the Quebec legislation, there are a number of procedures that relate to mandatory reporting. For example, any accidents that occur with vaccines must be reported. There is also widespread under-reporting. It is estimated that only 5, 6 or 7% of cases are reported.
The problem surrounding any implementation of a mandatory reporting process relates to the sanctions that will apply if reporting does not occur. The College of Physicians refuses to apply any type of penalty. Therefore, I think that the provinces and the professional bodies should take a close look at this issue. It is a matter of educating the professionals.
Moreover, having it included in the act makes it a tool, an instrument that cannot be overlooked. We must not say that since people are ignoring the requirement, it should not be included. I don't think it would be useless to include it, because it could eventually be used for education, training, planning of programs and procedures. We are only seeing the very tip of the iceberg, when it comes to the number of reports that are being made at this time. I have a feeling that in the field, this is something that is more apparent because the pharmaceutical component represents an important aspect of our practice. Drug-related accidents are constant and frequent. This is also an important part of our professional practice.
It has become quite clear that there is not enough public monitoring taking place at this time. Very little is known about the effectiveness of this monitoring. What we do have is limited to informal checks. It is clear that we will have to strengthen that side of the equation as well.