First, the main principles of the legislation and details can be specified in the regulations. However, the legislation should be amended to include the possibility, even the duty, for everyone to act—depending on whether we want to make it an obligation for certain groups within the population such as health care professionals or others—and set out in the regulations a formal mechanism in order to report all adverse effects. We should also create a mechanism for the government to receive such information and assess its merits, so that individuals reporting such cases can get input and we can be certain that all these reports are being put to good use.
Currently, it is possible to know whether a certain number of cases regarding a particular medication have been reported and the effects, but is this a reality? Scientifically, is there a recognized link between the drug and the complication? How important is it? At present, there's nothing to validate the results or follow up on reported cases in a structured way. I think it would be useful to have a structure or an organization—a little bit like the risk-management committees mandated under Quebec law—to study this and to make recommendations or to provide a follow-up to these questions.
It would also be appropriate to consider the possibility of simplifying the administrative process, for example, with the assistance of the health care system. People have been designated for these purposes. Some people have difficulty reporting problems. In the case of seniors who have difficulty reading and writing or who suffer from adverse reactions to drugs, it can be extremely difficult to get them to report this via the web.
So, I think that we need mechanisms or processes in the health care system to help people do these kinds of things too. This should be done through the health care system, because it's more difficult for people to deal directly with Health Canada. People don't know where to begin to do this.