Thanks very much.
I want to focus on the national pharmaceutical strategy and how all these issues are obviously both federal and provincial. So I want to know how the NPS is working in terms of the co-chairs' meeting, and working groups and all those things.
I understand that you are co-chair of the working group on real-world safety. Obviously there was a conference in September 2005. There was the invitational workshop on research projects. There was the consultant's report in 2007. Are you ending up in a two-way communication with the federal government in terms of responding to these kinds of things? What recommendations would your working group be making on this issue? Did you comment on progressive licensing? Have you commented on how you would recall a drug?
Some of the people have heard this before, but I used to do a lot of obstetrics and was sometimes up delivering a baby during the nightly news and I would receive a letter from Health Canada three days later to find that a drug had been recalled, but my patients were lined up the next morning worried about it. We seem to have a very old-fashioned way of communicating with physicians about risk.
Also, I want to know if your working group is dealing with any of the stuff around counterfeit medicine. If there has been an adverse drug reaction, how do you know it really was the medicine and not a counterfeit, as we look at the issues around heparin and the real problems coming from the States right now?
So, first of all, how is it going on the NPS? I understand there has not even been a federal co-chair appointed.