Good morning, and thank you for inviting us here this morning.
My name is Jeanne Besner. I am the chair of the Health Council of Canada. In that role I'm pleased to report to the Standing Committee on Health regarding the progress made toward achieving the reforms set out in the 2003 accord on health care renewal and the 2004 ten-year plan to strengthen health care. I am reporting on that as we have observed it.
For those of you who may not be aware, the Health Council of Canada was created out of the 2003 accord to monitor and report on progress made in achieving health care reform based on the elements that were set out in the accords. In 2004 an additional role was given to us to report on health outcomes. I will take it from there.
These accords have laudable, much needed and ambitious goals. But have they had the broad national impact that government leaders intended? In short, the answer is no.
Undoubtedly the accords have been a catalyst for change in many areas. In particular, the major purchases of medical equipment and various forms of information technology have helped to increase the number of services delivered. Many if not most jurisdictions have improved the way they manage waiting lists. I think Ms. Yeates made reference to that. Most jurisdictions provide wait time information for some procedures on their public websites. As a result, there's no question that many patients now know better than they did in the past when their cataract surgery or hip or knee replacement is likely to occur. In many cases they undergo their surgical procedures with less waiting than they might have five years ago.
Most Canadians have better access to health information and advice through telephone help lines. Some Canadians have better access to publicly insured prescription drugs, to primary health care teams, and to a range of health services at home or in their communities. Albeit slowly but surely, the health care system is adopting electronic health records, which will help to deliver safer, more efficient, and better-informed care.
In our forthcoming five-year report on health care renewal, which is due for release in June, the Health Council notes many other steps forward on the road to health care renewal.
But in other respects, progress on the accord commitments is not cause for celebration. The Health Council of Canada is particularly concerned about nine areas of health care renewal where action has been slower, less comprehensive and less collaborative than first ministers originally envisioned in the accords of 2003 and 2004.
First, in terms of drug coverage and appropriate prescribing, governments have not made substantial progress, to the best of our knowledge, in creating the national pharmaceutical strategy. Significant gaps in coverage are still evident across Canada, particularly in the Atlantic provinces. Too many Canadians remain vulnerable to personal hardship from needed drugs that cost more than they can afford. Also, Canadians are not always adequately protected from inappropriate prescribing because we don't have the necessary systems in place to keep health providers and consumers informed about drug safety and effectiveness.
With respect to home care, two weeks of publicly-funded home care coverage is not adequate for what many people need, and home care services continue to be poorly integrated with primary medical care in many parts of the country. There are clear disparities in the availability of publicly-funded home care across the country. No matter where people live, home care services that are seamlessly coordinated with other aspects of primary health care should be available.
In terms of aboriginal health, we note that the scope of preventable health problems in many aboriginal communities continues to be of concern across the country. Relatively little funding seems to have flowed from the promising intergovernmental agreements of 2005, the Kelowna communiqué and the blueprint on aboriginal health. Some provinces are working closely with aboriginal communities and the federal government to improve health care and living conditions on a regional basis, but developments are on a much smaller scale than we think were envisioned in those agreements.
Growth in the number of inter-professional teams to deliver primary health care is promising, and some parts of the country are on track to meet the target (set in the 2004 10-year plan) of having 50% of people served by teams by 2011. But nation-wide, progress is uneven and difficult to measure. More concerning, too many Canadians don't have timely access to their regular medical provider and too often primary health care services are not coordinated or comprehensive.
In terms of the health care workforce, ensuring that we have the right number of needed health care providers in the right place at the right time was a central component of both accords. There have been substantial increases in admissions to professional schools, more integration of foreign graduates, and some changes in how various kinds of professionals can practise. However, we still note that there are serious mismatches between need and supply in Canada's health care workforce. On the regional level, some provinces and territories are working together to plan and manage their health human resources more effectively, but the nationwide collaboration, the pan-Canadian framework envisioned in 2003 and 2004, doesn't seem yet to have resulted in coordinated planning.
The sixth area is electronic health records and information technology. Despite recent investments through Canada Health Infoway, Canadian governments have been slow to make progress in the information systems needed to support the delivery of high-quality care. We are not on track to meet Infoway's goal of 50% of Canadians having a secure electronic health record linked to other aspects of health care delivery by 2010—a goal that the Health Council has said was too modest from the start. Public support for these investments is strong, however, and governments must find ways to fund and accelerate this essential part of health care renewal.
In terms of reporting on progress, current and reliable data are fundamental tools to measure and understand what initiatives to improve health and health care are working and what are not. Today, despite the excellent work of a number of national and regional organizations devoted to health information and research, such as CIHI, Canada has a myriad of health databases, but not a comprehensive pan-Canadian health information system. Beginning in 2000, the governments had agreed to develop and use comparable indicators to report to Canadians their progress in health care renewal. A set of 18 indicators has been developed, but some are not as useful as we might like for reporting on the reform priorities of the accord, while those that are of value are not widely used for public reporting.
In 2003, the accord that created the Health Council of Canada also identified the federal/provincial/territorial advisory committee on governance and accountability as a key partner for the Health Council to do its work. However, this intergovernmental committee where governments shared information has been disbanded. Information about how governments spend targeted funds is not easily accessible or, in some cases, not available at all.
In terms of wait times, I think that Ms. Yeates has provided information indicating that a lot of improvements have been made. We note, though, that wait-time benchmarks for diagnostic imaging, which were to have been produced by December 2007, have still not been released.
So why has progress on so many of the commitments not been achieved? The Health Council of Canada sees several reasons. First, we find that some of the key elements in the accords were not sufficiently well described at the outset to make them measurable. For example, while we talk about inter-professional teamwork, it's not clear what we mean by a multidisciplinary primary health care team. Is it a nurse working alongside a family doctor? Is it more professionals, and so on? Unless we are clear about what we are trying to accomplish, it's difficult to know whether or not we have achieved it.
Second, as a vehicle for financing change and coordinating reform, the accords have their strengths but also some critical weaknesses. All told, the cumulative new funding committed through the 2003 accord and the 2004 10-year plan will amount to well over $230 billion by 2014. While some of the funding is tied to general health care policy goals, much of it comes with no real strings attached, very few requirements for public reporting, and almost no measurable objectives and outcomes.
Third, it is the reality of health care in Canada that we don't have one health care system; we have at least 14, when we consider the care the federal government delivers or directly funds. Unquestionably, this reality presents challenges for coordinating reform on a large scale, but the accord envisioned that governments would collaborate to solve common problems for the benefit of all Canadians, wherever they live. While respecting the rights and responsibilities of the provinces and territories to deliver care, the Health Council believes that we need to revive the idea of a common or pan-Canadian vision of health and health care, and put mechanisms in place to make this vision a reality.
Finally, we are concerned that governments' commitment to the spirit of the accord may be weaning. Many of the commitments have not been honoured or at least not to the degree that Canadians expected. The practical marriage between money and the desire for health care renewal held considerable promise in 2003 and 2004. Governments should either explain what has changed in the interim or signal their recommitment to a clear set of reforms. We encourage governments to renew their vows—to each other and to the citizens.
As we look ahead to the next five years under the ten-year plan to strengthen health care, the Health Council of Canada urges governments to renew their national commitment to system-wide change. We know that Canadians care passionately about their health care system and are eager for reforms that will sustain and improve it. We remain very confident, however, that the public health system can and will deliver more accessible, more equitable, and higher-quality care. We call on governments to rekindle their commitments to health care renewal across Canada.
Thank you.