In respect to access to pharmaceuticals, there are still challenges ahead of us, but significant progress has been made on a couple of fronts, which I think deserve mention. One is that the Common Drug Review, which was established to provide some form of coordination on behalf of the provinces to deal with those questions about pharmaceuticals that are emerging and that are to be introduced within the provincial context, has provided a valuable service to advance that particular effort.
Another initiative, which is concerned about something we're still concerned about--and I've indicated that in our brief--and which has challenges yet is the optimal prescribing practices of the health care community. Our evidence would suggest that there are still gaps that exist in that area. However, a program called COMPUS, run by the Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technology in Health, is beginning to work with health care professionals across the country to provide best practices in terms of optimizing. So although there's still much work to be done, and access to pharmaceuticals is somewhat fragmented across the country, there is some progress.