In February 2007 we took a look at the question of crowding out, as it's sometimes called. We were able to tell that at that time, when we looked at the volume of surgeries in the priority areas, which represent about 20% of surgical procedures overall, they had gone up in relation to the population by about 7% for that grouping, and the rest of surgeries, the other 80% of surgeries, had gone up slightly or had basically stayed about the same. There was about a 2% increase, but for all intents and purposes, they had stayed about the same. That was at a national level.
So there are two things I would caution about that. One, I think we could answer that question at the national level. That doesn't mean that in particular provinces or in a particular facility there weren't issues. We looked at the broader level where our numbers supported the analysis. We will be redoing that analysis and putting that out in the months to come, because we want to make sure of the situation now. But we did take a look at that one year ago, and we will be continuing to monitor that question.