I'll turn very briefly then to the performance within the natural health products directorate.
When I was here approximately two years ago, we had approved around 1,000 products and we had 100 site licences that had been processed by the directorate. Now we're at about 7,000 product licences and around 700 site licences. There isn't a backlog in the site licensing, and we're getting through the backlog in the product licensing.
It's estimated there were around 40,000 to 42,000 products when the regulations came in, in 2004. We received applications for just over half of those, and we've processed about half of those as well. We're now moving through this with a speed at which the number of licences for processing is greater than the applications coming in, and the backlog is in reduction.
The work that is under way, that we have put in place with respect to SOPs, with respect to batching products, grouping them together, with faster means of processing them, and electronic processing, have led us to a situation where we are confident that we'll be able to get through this backlog.
Thank you.