Immigration, all the panels have said, is not the solution. We should be an open country. We're a great country, but we have to be responsible. We're a very rich country, and we should be sustainable in our health human resources and our education programs. What message we are giving to our children is one of my issues, as a mother.
In regard to Saskatchewan and Manitoba, we have to realize that we still have under Indian Affairs a department called Aboriginal Workforce Participation Initiatives, and that's what Paul was talking about. It's again at a standstill, but it's looking at collective agreements and how you bring aboriginal people into your collective agreements, because the word “union” doesn't even exist in aboriginal language, for example. The grievance procedure is very different.
Those were very positive initiatives that are on the same hold. We're hoping they will all come back. Again, we're a rich country, and we should educate our own and welcome others.