Certainly from our perspective the AG's report was actually a good-news story in the sense that she recognized that we have made tremendous progress since the formation of the agency. The areas she focused on for further work were around formal agreements, for instance, for routine information. There was the concern or the question of the possibility in an outbreak--she didn't say it was happening, because it isn't happening, we are getting the information we need--that we might not get that information.
The reality is--as we saw with the people on the train in northern Ontario last Friday--the system does work. We do get the information we need, we do coordinate and collaborate very effectively with the provinces and territories, and we have the processes and protocols in place. I expect shortly we'll have those formal agreements for routine information-sharing as well. We do actually have an agreement for information-sharing that all ministers have agreed to. We're just finalizing some final wording, but they have agreed to it, in principle, across all jurisdictions for the sharing of information in emergencies.
Finally, the WHO tells us that 40% of all their reports from around the around come from us first. Our surveillance system actually identifies things before the countries themselves know about them, and most countries look to us as a model for how we do that work with provinces and territories.
Thank you.