Thank you very much, Madam Chair.
It gives me great pleasure to be here on behalf of the Canadian Health Professionals Secretariat, or CHPS, as we call it, which is a national advocacy body that represents 70,000 unionized health professionals who deliver essential diagnostic, clinical rehabilitation, and preventive services. These highly trained professionals include medical laboratory technologists, physiotherapists, social workers, pharmacists, occupational therapists, dietitians, and psychologists, to name just a few of the non-physician and non-nursing health professions, and they work in every facet of health care.
The 10-year plan covers a lot of issues, all important to our members, but I'd like to focus on two main concerns: a failure to develop a strategic plan at the federal level to address the large and growing shortages of health professionals, and the failure to promote and ensure innovative solutions within the public system. I won't spend a lot of time on the latter.
On the shortages, as I said, our members are intimately involved in every step of care, from diagnosis to treatment to recovery, and a shortage of these professionals has serious consequences for timely, high-quality care. Most are aware of the shortage of doctors and nurses, but few know of the major, and in some cases growing, shortages among the many specialized disciplines we represent. Let me be clear. The shortage of these health professionals is not an impending problem; this crisis is here now.
In the interest of time, I'll focus on one specific discipline in our membership: medical laboratory technologists. It is estimated that 80% of diagnostic and treatment decisions are based on lab tests, and demand for many health services, including lab tests, exceeds existing capacity and is growing with the population and the ever-expanding types of testing.
Consider the following facts. The Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science estimates there are at least 1,000 vacant positions for laboratory technologists in Canada. At the same time, the CSMLS reports that 50% of the current workforce is eligible to retire by 2015. While there are aggressive recruiting strategies under way in some provinces, there just aren't enough academic seats, and, maybe even more problematic, there's a serious lack of clinical training positions.
There's a further complication. As a result of the major cuts of the 1990s, we're missing an entire generation from the industry, which has serious implications in terms of succession planning.
These are the facts. For some reason, governments have done little of significance to address these areas. It leaves people in some communities without access to critical services, and in some cases it places quality of care in jeopardy.
I strongly emphasize that the problem of shortages is deep and broad, affecting many different disciplines and not just our lab technologists.
There are five top areas where our governments must take action. The areas are:
- cuts by government in the mid-1990s, and I've discussed that already;
- lack of health human resource planning on a national level;
- interprovincial rivalries resulting in competition among provinces and across the world and luring of health professionals from one province to another, which is quite frankly poaching. These shortages require national solutions not isolated provincial initiatives.
- insufficient numbers of academic and clinical training positions in most provinces. Employment practices are contributing to the problem: part-time and casual workplaces and excessive overtime leading to burnout. Constant restructuring and reorganizing leads to instability, uncertainty, and poor morale. New equipment often sits idle because there aren't enough people to run it.
- lack of data, particularly among the varied professions in our membership, which is a major barrier to measuring and forecasting supply, mix, and distribution of professionals.
While the 10-year plan acknowledges the human resource crisis--I mentioned pharmacists and technologists--it did not establish a strategic plan or process to address the causes and remedy the problem. While we fully understand the difficult constitutional jurisdictional issues relating to health care, Canadians want and deserve a system that is second to none. It is imperative that all levels of government work to provide it.
On innovation in the public system, which has been covered a lot and will be covered again, I'm sure we all agree that the current system can't remain on autopilot, immune from change. Our position is that reform can and must be done through innovation within the public system, and unfortunately, the 10-year plan does not express this to our satisfaction.
We believe the federal government must do more to promote and ensure innovation within the public system for three reasons: it is the right thing to do, it's the smart thing to do, and innovation within the public system works.
We have listed a number of examples within our brief--