Thank you, Madam Chairman.
My questions are for Mr. Day. I have three areas I want to delve into with you.
As we look at the health accord, obviously the rationale behind having hearings like this is to be able to improve whatever the next step is. I have three areas of concern I want to get your perspective on.
One is the different levels of service we have in Canada in terms of rural and urban delivery of health services. If you look at areas like physician shortages, obviously they're much more acute in a rural area than they are in an urban setting. The tendency is that hospitals face greater crunches in small towns on a range of levels.
Capacity is another issue I have a concern with. I'm not convinced the health accord gives enough attention to the capacity issues hospitals are facing. I look at my own hospital, the Royal Victoria Hospital. They tell me that consistently they're at 96% or 98% capacity, and there isn't a lack of beds. What leadership can we provide to have a vision and a plan to make sure there is an adequate infrastructure in the country so that our hospitals aren't always running at capacity?
A third area, an area that I think everyone is concerned about and has touched upon, is the recruitment and retention of health professionals. I sit on my own physician recruitment task force in Barrie, and I know many communities have these task forces, which are sort of competing with each other to recruit health professionals. It's certainly an effective solution to tread water right now, but it is in no manner a long-term solution.
I know you talked about the fact that we've gone from 1,500 to 2,700 graduates a year from medical schools. What is the long-term level we need? I understand that we'll be approaching 3,000, but what is the number that actually would serve Canada well? Is it 4,000? Is it 5,000? It would be interesting to know exactly where Canada needs to be.
I heard mention of the 1,500 doctors trained overseas and the need to bring them back. That's an area of concern too. Are there things we can do to expedite that process? You never want to have someone delivering pizzas or driving a taxi when he can be helping Canadians. But at the same time, are there any concerns that people who have not been accepted at Canadian medical schools but who might have got in abroad are up to our standards?
I realize we have equivalency exams. Are there things we can do to make sure those equivalency exams are as seamless as possible? I understand the cost for equivalency exams is $1,000 or $2,000, and many new Canadians don't have the funds to pay for those exams.
We set up a scholarship fund in my riding of Barrie to pay for those exams for foreign-trained doctors because they don't have the capacity to pay for books. What could we do nationally to help foreign-trained doctors integrate into the system faster?