It's not just about health; it's about education, it's about labour, and it's about other social services. We can't just think about health in a silo any more. This has to be an interdisciplinary effort, on the one hand.
Secondly, I don't see a lot of movement on that collaboration between disciplines and this particular issue of health human resources. We don't want health human resources to become the crisis du jour, as wait times were back then. We figured out it wasn't really about wait times; it was about doctors actually performing the services. We have to worry about having the crisis du jour attitude.
The next thing is about dispute resolution. There's a part about dispute resolution. I don't know if Michael alludes to this in his context, but I don't know what's going on there. Do we have any better way of resolving disputes than before? That too is at the heart of the problem between federal and provincial governments.