Order, please.
Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. Welcome to the health committee and welcome to our witnesses. We are happy to see you here this morning. I also want to welcome everybody in the gallery.
I would like to take a moment to read to you something that has been brought to my attention. I have to tell you, fellow committee members, that as an elected member of Parliament representing constituents in my riding of Kildonan—St. Paul, and as chair of this committee, I take great pride in the service we provide to Canadians as a committee and the important work that our committee does. We are one small but crucially important cog in the wheel of the democratic process that has enabled Canada to develop as one of the world's great nations.
I have to tell you that it troubles me gravely to tell you that for the first time in my career as an elected representative in Canada, and for the first time in living memory, our democratic process has been subverted by physical intimidation and threats of violence. I wanted to inform the committee of what happened here this morning.
One of the witnesses scheduled to appear today has been targeted for protest and intimidation at the site of his own professional practice. The witness, a doctor in addictions medicine who has treated more than 7,000 people in the past 18 years, was subject to a disturbing protest and an invasion of his office on Tuesday. He has received advice from the B.C. College of Physicians and Surgeons and his own legal counsel that he not appear before this committee, owing to concerns for his physical health and safety.
On May 27 he wrote that his office was being picketed by 20 angry people identified in their leaflet as “addicts”, accusing him of not listening to anyone and having his own ideas derived from an addiction to “drinking his own bathwater”.
He also indicates that staff at his pharmacy and his building and his own patients described demonstrators saying “vile and vulgar things” to them as they put leaflets in the faces of people entering and leaving the building, upsetting patients who were forced to cross the picket line and run an angry gauntlet. He says that some of his patients are middle-aged, and older patients felt quite intimidated and upset.
The doctor said, and I quote:
I hereby request that l not be required to give live testimony on Thursday morning. l am very concerned that if l do so l will be subject to attacks including not only picket lines and vicious slander but also physical attacks at work or elsewhere.
These people, presumably using addicts, are liable to attack me again, including, l believe, physically or in terms of my property in order to get what they want, which is to make sure that no one opposes them.
This certainly makes the point that there is no way to engage in reasonable discussion about Insite. Anyone who says anything against Insite is vilified and attacked publicly.
The fact that my office has been picketed today and I have been personally vilified and slandered, merely for voicing my professional opinion, speaks volumes about who the real 'ideologues' are in this matter and why so few people are willing to voice their misgivings about Insite. There is no room for dispassionate discussions about the merits of Insite, because so many of its proponents attack the person in order to stifle debate.
That is not science. That is bullying.
Unfortunately, because he intended to testify by video conference, Dr. Donald Hedges' statement has not been translated. However, the full text of his English version is here, and I will provide it to the clerk for translation.
I hope I speak for the entire health committee as I extend my apology to Dr. Hedges for the distress he is enduring, and a hope that as a committee we never lose a witness to threats and intimidation again.
I wanted to bring this before my health committee today. I know each and every member of this committee is very distressed to hear the threats and intimidation that this professional doctor has undergone because he wanted to come and appear as a witness at this committee.
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.