Those comments come from the International Narcotics Control Board, which is an agency of the United Nations, just as the World Health Organization is an agency of the United Nations. I think we should be absolutely clear on this: the International Narcotics Control Board had some severe criticism of Canada and questioned whether we were living up to our international conventions.
Canada's point of view is that we're at present in conformity, because this is a time-limited exemption for research purposes. I think it starts to stretch credulity if this exemption continues indefinitely, but generally I'm sensitive to this kind of criticism.
I think they have a point. I should also state for the record that some members of this committee have said that Europe has gone another way. Some countries in Europe have gone another way. But interestingly, some countries that we seem to have an affinity with—they like hockey and have a lot of snow—have gone in a completely different direction. Sweden, for example, has taken a line different from Holland's, different from Australia's. They've decided to enforce, to prevent, to treat. And they have one-third the incidence of drug use that we have.