We have been consulted. I think it was in late 2007 that they initially came. Unfortunately, I haven't prepared time schedules and I don't remember. We were also consulted last year and they also came this year. We had three sessions. There was a public session that U of T hosted and a closed-door session with only U of T, at which we had two VPs, a few lawyers, and lots of faculty members. We also hosted one that was for U of T and all other Ontario universities and teaching hospitals. That was closed-door.
They were happy with what was explained. The competency of the individuals who deal with the scientific side of it was not a concern at all. Public health has an extremely good relation with research institutions in regard to the competency of their staff.
The only concern, as I mentioned, was the security clearance for risk group two. If you look around the university, you will see that more than 60% of our staff are from outside. I personally have an Iranian background. I've been in this country for 20 years, but if we go with the George W. Bush definition, I belong to the axis of evil. That puts you in a position to see how much impact it could have on your individual institution. We have people from China and the Middle East, so it enormously impacts risk group two.