Essentially, there are two things that you have to look at when you look at the statute. You have to look at the definitions that are in the risk groups--risk group 2, risk group 3, risk group 4 definitions--which is what the intention is, and they fall into the different categories. These are definitions that are in the biological safety guidelines and they're definitions that the scientific community have over the years developed and refined. They are definitions that are acceptable.
On that, there is, as Dr. Butler-Jones has indicated, the list of attached schedules and toxins. The schedules, as they're listed, are mirrored back to those risk groups. So it's not an exhaustive list; it's not every one enumerated. You have to look at both the definition and the list.
For the prohibited substances that no one can have, as in schedule 5, that is a closed list, and that is only for smallpox.