Very briefly, our university operates one containment level 3 laboratory that works with various agents that are on the international list of warfare agents. Some, if not the majority, of research with those agents even in Canada is funded through the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases.
As such, our laboratory has to, and has had to, comply not only with Canadian requirements but also with the requirements of the legislation that you brought up, the Patriot Act. As such, we've had to provide security clearances for the people who access that laboratory. My experience was that it was a very fast process. The process didn't cost us anything other than a little bit of delay. It certainly did not turn out to be as onerous as was originally anticipated by the laboratory.
This is certainly something that some of the laboratories in Canada already comply with if they work with those agents, and it is far less onerous than other people have been led to believe.
Thank you.