Sure. Hopefully I'll capture it all. I'll turn to Theresa.
Perhaps I'll start with the last first. As I said, I've spoken to the Privacy Commissioner. Theresa met with her office yesterday. It's not about personally identified information; it is about the regulation of the materials. They're looking forward to it, and it is appropriate for the privacy assessment to take place when we're forming the program architecture for that, and their office is quite comfortable with that. So I think we've addressed their concerns as they are.
In terms of whether there should be an amendment come forward that brings it back to committee, for example, as an agency we have no problem with that. I've already committed, with or without it being in the legislation, that we are quite comfortable coming back to committee if it's the wish of the committee. As I said before, that's a legislative option.
In terms of the part I think you may have been alluding, regarding Peter's question about why it's level 2, I guess there are a number of reasons we include it. We already regulate level 2 now. It's in the regulations for import and export, and it's in the regulations for transport. Half the labs in the country are already under this regime.
I made reference to H2N2. The agency recognized it and was able to track it down because of the regulatory regime about import and export. If it were domestic, we would not have been able to do that. It came from the States. It was sent around the world as a sort of test kit, and H2N2 was put in there by mistake. Could you imagine the implications of the Americans having started the next pandemic unintentionally but intentionally in the sense of having distributed material?
We've also had instances now of abandoned laboratories and fridges full of materials, and the province not being in a position to actually compel information as to what's in there and who it's been sent to. So we need a minimal regulatory regime for level 2 to ensure that we have the ability to find out what's there and what's been sent where. I'm concerned about it from a public health standpoint as well as for consistency with the import and export. For most labs it should not mean much, if any, additional work.
Certainly with the concerns that were raised around HIV, etc.... Currently transport of level 2 pathogens requires forms to be filled out. The actual regime, if you look at the regulatory framework, is meant to minimize any efforts. It's really more focused on that if there's a problem, we will have the power or authority to actually address these issues.
Madame, was there another question that I've missed? I'm sorry.